Glasgow Evangelical Church, Cathedral Square, Glasgow

 SERVICES :         

Our Sabbath Service commence at 9.30 am every Sunday.

Our Communion Services during 2025 will be held on Sunday 9th March, 

 Sunday 8th June, Sunday 14th September and Sunday 14th December 2025

   Our Martin Luther 500 Anniversary of the Reformation Banner Made by some of our Members 

 JOHN 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

the following message from Pastor T. C. McCurry (now deceased) written in March 1995 to this Congregation.


Is there anything that will give us the answers we need to make sense of World events and awaken our resolve to prepare for whatever lies ahead?  Many are today affected by a “what-difference-does-it-make” attitude which leads consequently to the inevitable “couldn’t-care-less” outlook responsible for the shameful destruction of Hope, Faith and the prospect of Peace. A ‘just and lasting peace’ has been the universal cry and longing in the heart of mankind since the dawn of history: WORLD PEACE! Nothing seems more desirable and yet less attainable – Man has made such incredible wonderful technological strides, it is completely baffling how we have become nuclear giants while remaining moral midgets.

Peace is a rare commodity, international treaties are broken almost as soon as agreed: But what about peace of mind? While we recognise the problems of tension and stress we would be foolish indeed if we were unaware of the antidote – God has called us to live in Peace (1 Cor. 7:15) so the fact is that peace is possible (Psalm 29:11.) To His disciples Jesus said “peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you (John 14:27) and so just as peace was announced at the birth of Jesus, it was left, before His death, as God’s legacy – and God never tantalises us with the unattainable.

Potentially we are as peaceful as God, for the same peace that is keeping God is keeping us. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee (Isaiah 26:3) – if in any and every circumstance we can believe that God is in control and that Jesus is Lord then we can said ‘I believe God’ and the peace that passeth all understanding will abide in our hearts by faith.

Peace! Peace! Wonderful Peace

Coming down from Father above

Sweep over my spirit forever I pray

In fathomless billow of love.

 Yours in fellowship

(Sgd) T.C. McCurry

(March 1995)

Instead of looking back with regret or wishing this New Year? Christians should look back with thanks and forward with trust.

In December 2017, and following on from the completion of the restoration work, we decided to renew the cushion pads on the pews in the Sanctuary of the Church. This was a costly undertaking so we asked if any of the members and friends of the Church would like to sponsor one of the cushions and we are very pleased with the result. The cushions have been sponsored by members, families of members and groups who have attended Services in the Church. We would like to thank all who have sponsored a cushion.  

2 Corinthians ch9:v11 - You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

Restoration work completed - due to the condition of the ceiling in the Sanctuary took longer than anticipated - some photos of the work inside the sanctuary and in our photos page more of the interior and exterior



Once again we had the privilege of the company of the African Children's Choir on 19th April 2017 and what a brilliant evening we had. The children were most delightful and enthusiastic about their singing and dancing and the congregation were just as enthusiastic with their applause. 



  Glasgow Evangelical Church wins Heritage Lottery Fund support

Glasgow Evangelical Church has received a Places of Worship Grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and Historic Environment Scotland (HES)  for the Repairs and Restoration of their Category ‘A’ listed building, in Glasgow’s historic Cathedral Square.

The project aims to carry out the restoration of the building on Cathedral Square and encourage more people to share the heritage. Grants of £116,400 have been received from both the HERITAGE LOTTERY FUND and HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT SCOTLAND totalling £232,800 as part of the Places of Worship Grant scheme.  

The project will carry out essential conservation work to the Category-A Listed Building, involving urgent repairs to the tower and roof.  In addition, the project will undertake activities designed to share the heritage of the building with as wide an audience as possible.  Activities will involve training opportunities on-site, site visits, provision of interpretation, resource packs, guided walks, talks, presentations and developing a digital model of the historic building.

Please check our HLF and HES RESTORATION PROJECT page for more information.



As you can read above we were successful in our Application and funding has been granted. Work to the outside of the building is complete. The Tower has been lined to prevent further erosion of the stone on the inside, some stones have been replaced and some of them cleaned. Work is still ongoing to the Sanctuary as the ceiling needed more work than first thought so the time for completing the work inside has been extended. One half of the ceiling is complete and painted, and they are now working on the other half which includes the area above the Organ. We are hopeful it will not be much longer before it is completed inside.  

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Image result for bible quotes



What a great day we had on Doors Open Day. Although The Sanctuary had a lot of scaffolding erected round the area of the Chancel and Organ it did not stop the visitors coming in and having a walk around. 138 visitors.

The only drawback was the main window behind the Organ, it was hidden behind the scaffolding but as the day progressed and one of the volunteers had her laptop with her we put it on and showed photos of the main Window and the Organ area prior to the scaffolding being erected - this went down well with the visitors.

See our Photo Gallery for more photographs.